Welcome to The Costa Rica Daily!
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Costa Rica is a beautiful, frustrating, wonderful, enigmatic place. I’m here to share it with you. Welcome to The Costa Rica Daily.
What is The Costa Rica Daily?
The Daily combines the latest local news, travel tips and original content. Every day, you’ll receive an e-mail with the latest and most important Costa Rica news. There is no clickbait, no intrusive ads, and no learning curve. We’ll tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it.
Costa Rica is an unforgettable vacation destination. Each week, we’ll share our personal travel tips with you. We learn by doing: From hiking Costa Rica’s tallest mountain to swimming in its crystal-clear seas, our experiences are authentic and real. While we give every adventure a fair shot, we’re not afraid to share bad reviews. We’ll let you know if your time (and money) is better-spent elsewhere.
Finally, we are unapologetically millennials who love creating content. The Daily will send you our best pictures and videos from the land of Pura Vida.
To summarize: Subscribe to The Daily for daily news, straight to your e-mail inbox. You’ll also get weekly travel tips and other original content.
Who are you, anyway?
Hi! My name is Alejandro Zúñiga, and I am a dual-citizen of Costa Rica and the United States. My day job is as a journalist for The Tico Times, and my weekends are spent finding the latest adventure in this incredible country I’m lucky to call home.
While you should by all means read The Tico Times, I’ve launched this project for a few reasons:
I think it’s important that people who have a desire to stay informed have every opportunity to do so. If you’re trying to stay up-to-date with the news, the number of outlets (in Spanish and English) competing for your attention can do more harm than good. And if you’re considering visiting Costa Rica, planning a great trip can be daunting when so many “helpful” people just want your dollars.
I enjoy writing and sharing stories about Costa Rica. My go-to artisanal bakery, latest wildlife encounter or favorite lesser-known beach isn’t necessarily front-page news elsewhere. But it’s perfect for someone who wants to visit Costa Rica for the first time or who wants to get to know the country better.
I want to have some fun! Costa Rica is an adventure — in good ways and in bad. Let’s explore it together, in news, stories, photos and videos.
How do I sign up?
Click the button below and enter your email address to subscribe. It’s free. Seriously, that’s all there is to it!
Could we arrange a meeting to talk about my experiences and plans in the Arenal area. Please check out www.marenal.com . My profile is on the website.